Ekaterina Sudina

  • To the Profession
    To the Profession—Editorial
    • Editorial Board Member. TESOL Quarterly (2025Present)
    • Advisory Board Member. Applied Linguistics Press (2024Present)
    • Editorial Board Member, Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2023–Present)
    • Associate Editor, Russian Language Journal (2023–Present)
    • Junior Editorial Advisory Board Member, TESOL Quarterly (2021–2023)
    • Editorial Assistant, Applied Pragmatics (2021)
    • Editorial Assistant, The Modern Language Journal’s special issue “Learning and Teaching Pragmatics in the Globalized Society” (2021)
    To the Profession—Peer Review
    Ad hoc manuscript reviewer
    1. Applied Linguistics
    2. Foreign Language Annals
    3. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
    4. International Journal of Bilingualism
    5. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL)
    6. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
    7. Journal of Personality Assessment
    8. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
    9. Language Learning
    10. Language Learning and Technology
    11. Language Teaching
    12. Reading and Writing
    13. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
    14. Russian Language Journal
    15. Social Psychology of Education
    16. Studies in Second Language Acquisition
    17. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
    18. System
    19. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
    20. The Modern Language Journal
    21. TESOL Quarterly
    Conference reviewer
    • Vocab@Maryland
    • The American Association for Applied Linguistics
    • The Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics
    • Northern Arizona University Graduate Student Association of Applied Linguistics Conference
    • Second Language Research Forum
    • The ACTFL Convention
    • The TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo
    • The TESOL 2022 Regional Conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    Manuscript reviewer
    • John Benjamins
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