Ekaterina Sudina
Keynotes & Invited Talks
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    Sudina, E. (2025, February). Research ethics: What’s in it for language educators? Keynote talk presented at the TESOL & Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Conference (TALGS), Greensboro College, Greensboro, NC.
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    Sudina, E. (2025, February). Open science for language educators: How to make the most of accessible research. Keynote workshop presented at the TESOL & Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Conference (TALGS), Greensboro College, Greensboro, NC.
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    Sudina, E. (2025, January). Self-citation in applied linguistics: When and how much is ethical? Invited talk in the Department of Linguistics’ Linguistics Speaker Series at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
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    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2024, February). Applying insights from language learner psychology in the second-language classroom: Helping students thrive. Keynote workshop presented at the TESOL & Applied Linguistics Graduate Student Conference (TALGS), Greenville, NC.
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    Sudina, E. (2024, September). Individual differences in mobile-assisted language learning: What do we know so far? Paper presented at Language Science Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
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    Sudina, E. (2024, January). Study quality in quantitative research on motivation and emotions in SLA. Invited talk for the Learner Psychology and Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition course (Instructor: Dr. Mostafa Papi), School of Teacher Education, Florida State University.
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    Sudina, E. (2023, November). Get published: Tips from graduate student editorial board. Invited webinar (with Onesmo Mushi and Ping-Lin Chuang), International Language Testing Association (ILTA) Graduate Student Assembly.
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    Sudina, E. (2022, October). Fostering learner grit in L2 classrooms. Invited talk for the Teaching Methods course (Instructor: Dr. Laura Gurzynski-Weiss), Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University.
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    Sudina, E. (2022, April). Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling. Guest lecture and discussion facilitation for Coffee & Cronbach (statistics discussion group), Northern Arizona University.
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    Sudina, E. (2021, October). Individual differences: A closer look at second language anxiety. Guest lecture for the Second Language Acquisition course (Instructor: Dr. Naoko Taguchi), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ.
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    Sudina, E. (2021, April). Assessing questionnaire validity: Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance. Invited workshop delivered at the Northern Arizona University Graduate Student Association of Applied Linguistics 2021 Conference, Flagstaff, AZ [held virtually due to COVID-19].
Refereed Conference Presentations
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    Sudina, E., Plonsky, L., & Teimouri, Y. (2024, November). Attrition in app-based language learning: Why age and perseverance matter. Paper presented at ACTFL 2024, Philadelphia, PA.
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    Sudina, E., Plonsky, L., & Teimouri, Y. (2024, May). Predictors of attrition in a longitudinal study of app-based language learning. Paper presented at CALICO 2024, “Confluences and Connections: Bridging Industry and Academia in CALL,” Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
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    Sudina, E., Plonsky, L., & Teimouri, Y. (2024, May). Persisters vs. quitters: The role of L2 grit in app-based language learning. Paper presented at the PLL5 [Psychology of Language Learning] Conference, Madrid, Spain.
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    Sudina, E., Kostromitina, M., & Baghlaf, E. (2024, March). Study and scale quality in L2 speech perception: A methodological synthesis. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Houston, TX.
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    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2024, March). Is self-citation a problem in applied linguistics? Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Houston, TX.
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    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2023, December). Self-citation in applied linguistics. Paper presented at the Research Ethics Symposium, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
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    Sudina, E. (2023, March). Scale quality in applied linguistics survey research: Extent, trends, and determinants. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, OR.
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    Sudina, E. (2023, March). Data and participant protection. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), in the colloquium (organizers: Constant Leung & Carlo Cinaglia), Key open science issues for TESOL-related research: Disciplinary and practitioner perspectives and views, Portland, OR.
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    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2022, October). The effects of frequency, duration, and intensity on L2 learning through Duolingo: A ‘natural’ experiment. Paper presented at the AZ CALL 2022 Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
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    Paradowski, M. B., Jelińska, M., & Sudina, E. (2022, June). Coping with the transition to emergency language teaching and learning: What predictors emerge from multifactorial analyses of 6000+ questionnaires? Paper presented at the PLL4 [Psychology of Language Learning] Conference, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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    Sudina, E. (2022, June). Seeing the bigger picture: Study quality in language acquisition survey research. Poster presented at the IMPRS [International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences] Conference 2022, Nijmegen, Gelderland, the Netherlands.
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    Paradowski, M. B., Jelińska, M., Jarynowski, A., & Sudina, E. (2022, April). Predictors of teachers’ and students’ resilience during emergency remote instruction: Insights from a global survey. Paper presented at the 2022 AERA [American Educational Research Association] Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA.
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    Paradowski, M. B., Jelińska, M., Jarynowski, A., & Sudina, E. (2022, April). Online teaching and learning during COVID-19: Findings from a global survey. Paper presented at the 2022 AERA [American Educational Research Association] Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA.
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    Sudina, E. (2022, April). How not to do applied linguistics survey research: Examining methodological concerns through an ethical lens. Paper presented at the 28th Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, Tempe, AZ.
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    Sudina, E., & Kostromitina, M. (2021, October). Assessing L2 English learners’ oral proficiency: How to choose and administer elicited imitation tasks online. Workshop delivered at the AZTESOL 2021 Conference, Flagstaff, AZ [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E. (2021, June). Coding for validity evidence of L2 research instruments: Choices and challenges. Paper presented at the British Association for Applied Linguistics/Cambridge University Press Seminar on Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics: Facilitating Research-Pedagogy Dialogue, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E. (2021, May). Methodological synthesis of second-language anxiety and motivation questionnaires: A call for reform. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Symposium on Language Research at UC Davis, Davis, CA [held virtually due to COVID-19]. 
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    Sudina, E. (2021, April). Whom are we surveying and how? Insights from L2 anxiety and motivation research and implications for study quality. Paper presented at the 2021 University of Iowa SLA Graduate Symposium, Iowa City, IA [held virtually due to COVID-19]. [Best Presentation Graduate Student Award]

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    Sudina, E. (2021, March). Study and scale quality in L2 survey research: The case of anxiety and motivation. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Houston, TX [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E. (2021, February). Examining criterion validity of language-domain-specific grit during COVID-19: The case of L2 Spanish and French. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Interdisciplinary Roundtable Conference, Tucson, AZ [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2020, October). Academic perseverance in foreign language learning: An investigation of L2 grit and its conceptual correlates. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, Nashville, TN [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E., & Dronjic, V. (2020, October). Does imagery predict L2 reading retention? A new perspective on an old individual difference. Poster presented at the Second Language Research Forum, Nashville, TN [held virtually due to COVID-19].
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    Sudina, E. (2020, February). Language-specific grit: Exploring psychometric properties, predictive validity, and differences across contexts. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Symposium, Tempe, AZ.
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    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2019, September). Language-specific grit, achievement, and anxiety in Russian university students. Paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum, East Lansing, MI.
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