Ekaterina Sudina

Journal Articles

If you don’t have local access, feel free

to contact me for a copy

at esudina@umd.edu.

  • 1
    Al-Hoorie, A. H., Cinaglia, C.,
    Hiver, P., Huensch, A., Isbell, D. R.,
    Leung, C., & Sudina, E. (2024).
    Open science: Considerations
    and issues for TESOL research.
    TESOL Quarterly, 58, 537–556.
    [open access]
  • 2
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2024).
    The effects of frequency, duration,
    and intensity on L2 learning
    through Duolingo: A natural experiment.
    Journal of Second Language Studies, 7(1), 1–43. https://doi.org/10.1075/jsls.00021.plo
    [open access]
  • 3
    Sudina, E. (2023). Scale quality
    in second-language anxiety and
    WTC: A methodological synthesis.
    Studies in Second Language
    Acquisition, 45, 1427–1455.
    [open access]

  • 4
    Sudina, E. (2023). A primer on
    measurement invariance in L2
    anxiety research. Annual Review of
    Applied Linguistics, 43, 140–146.
    [open access]

  • 5
    Plonsky, L., Sudina, E., &
    Teimouri, Y. (2022).
    Language learning and
    emotion. Language Teaching, 55,
  • 6
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021).
    Academic perseverance in foreign
    language learning:
    An investigation of language-
    specific grit and its conceptual
    correlates. Modern Language
    Journal, 105, 829–857.
  • 7
    Teimouri, Y., Sudina, E., &
    Plonsky, L. (2021).
    On domain-specific
    conceptualization and
    measurement of grit in
    L2 learning. Journal
    for the Psychology of
    Language Learning, 3, 156–164.

  • 8
    Sudina, E. (2021).
    Study and scale quality in
    second language survey
    research, 2009–2019: The case of
    anxiety and motivation.
    Language Learning, 71, 1149–1193.

  • 9
    Plonsky, L., Sudina, E., & Hu, Y.
    (2021). Applying meta-analysis
    to research on bilingualism:
    An introduction.
    Bilingualism: Language and
    Cognition, 25, 819−824.
  • 10

    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021).

    Language learning grit,

    achievement, and anxiety

    among L2 and L3

    learners in Russia.

    ITL — International Journal

    of Applied Linguistics, 172, 161−198.

    https://doi.org/10.1075/itl.20 001.sud

  • 11

    Sudina, E., Brown, J., Datzman, B., Oki, Y., Song, K., Cavanaugh, R.,

    Thiruchelvam, B., & Plonsky, L.

    (2021). Language-specific grit:

    Exploring psychometric

    properties, predictive validity, and

    differences across contexts.

    Innovation in Language Learning

    and Teaching, 15, 334−351.

    https://doi.org/10.1080/17 501 229.2020.1 802 468

  • 12

    Sudina, E., Vernon, T., Foster, H.,

    del Villano, H., Hernandez, S.,

    Beck, D., & Plonsky, L. (2021).

    Development and initial validation

    of the L2-teacher grit scale.

    TESOL Quarterly, 55, 156−184.


  • 13

    Hashimoto, B., Keller, D.,

    Sudina, E., Yaw, K., Egbert, J.,

    & Plonsky, L. (2020). Research

    in progress: Applied linguistics

    at Northern Arizona University,

    USA. Language Teaching, 53, 227−232.


Journal Articles

If you don’t have local access, feel free to contact me for a copy at esudina@umd.edu.

  • 1
    Al-Hoorie, A. H, Cinaglia, C., Hiver, P., Huensch, A., Isbell, D. R., Leung, C., & Sudina, E. (2024). Open science: Considerations and issues for TESOL research. TESOL Quarterly, 58, 537–556. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3304 [open access]
  • 2
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2024). The effects of frequency, duration, and intensity on L2 learning through Duolingo: A natural experiment. Journal of Second Language Studies, 7(1), 1–43. https://doi.org/10.1075/jsls.00021.plo [open access]
  • 3
    Sudina, E. (2023). Scale quality in second-language anxiety and WTC: A methodological synthesis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 45, 1427–1455. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263122000560 [open access]
  • 4
    Sudina, E. (2023). A primer on measurement invariance in L2 anxiety research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 43, 140–146. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190523000089 [open access]
  • 5
    Plonsky, L., Sudina, E., & Teimouri, Y. (2022). Language learning and emotion. Language Teaching, 55, 346–362.
  • 6
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Academic perseverance in foreign language learning: An investigation of language-specific grit and its conceptual correlates. Modern Language Journal, 105, 829–857. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12738
  • 7
    Teimouri, Y., Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021). On domain-specific conceptualization and measurement of grit in L2 learning. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 3, 156–164. https://doi.org/10.52598/jpll/3/2/10
  • 8
    Sudina, E. (2021). Study and scale quality in second language survey research, 2009–2019: The case of anxiety and motivation. Language Learning, 71, 1149–1193. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12468
  • 9
    Plonsky, L., Sudina, E., & Hu, Y. (2021). Applying meta-analysis to research on bilingualism: An introduction. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25, 819−824. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728920000760
  • 10

    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Language learning grit, achievement, and anxiety among L2 and L3 learners in Russia. ITL — International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 172, 161−198. https://doi.org/10.1075/itl.20 001.sud

  • 11

    Sudina, E., Brown, J., Datzman, B., Oki, Y., Song, K., Cavanaugh, R., Thiruchelvam, B., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Language-specific grit: Exploring psychometric properties, predictive validity, and differences across contexts. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 15, 334−351. https://doi.org/10.1080/17 501 229.2020.1 802 468

  • 12

    Sudina, E., Vernon, T., Foster, H., del Villano, H., Hernandez, S., Beck, D., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Development and initial validation of the L2-teacher grit scale. TESOL Quarterly, 55, 156−184. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.581

  • 13

    Hashimoto, B., Keller, D., Sudina, E., Yaw, K., Egbert, J., & Plonsky, L. (2020). Research in progress: Applied linguistics at Northern Arizona University, USA. Language Teaching, 53, 227−232. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444819000491

Book Chapters
  • 1
    Plonsky, L., Hu, Y., Sudina, E.,
    & Oswald, F. L. (2023). Advancing
    meta-analytic methods in L2 research.
    In A. Mackey & S. Gass (Eds.),
    Current approaches in second
    language acquisition research: A practical guide
    (pp. 304–333). Wiley–Blackwell.
  • 2
    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2022).
    Second-language strategy
    instruction. In H. Mohebbi
    & C. Coombe (Eds.),
    Research questions in language
    education and applied linguistics (pp. 249–253). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79143-8_45

  • 3

    Teimouri, Y., Sudina, E.,

    & Plonsky, L. (2021). What counts

    as evidence in research on the

    psychology of language learning?

    In T. Gregersen & S. Mercer (Eds.),

    The Routledge handbook of the

    psychology of language learning

    and teaching (pp. 378–390).


Book Chapters
  • 1
    Plonsky, L., Hu, Y., Sudina, E., & Oswald, F. L. (2023). Advancing meta-analytic methods in L2 research. In A. Mackey & S. Gass (Eds.), Current approaches in second language acquisition research: A practical guide (pp. 304–333). Wiley–Blackwell.
  • 2
    Plonsky, L., & Sudina, E. (2022). Second-language strategy instruction. In H. Mohebbi & C. Coombe (Eds.), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics (pp. 249–253). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79143-8_45
  • 3
    Teimouri, Y., Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021). What counts as evidence in research on the psychology of language learning? In T. Gregersen & S. Mercer (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the psychology of language learning and teaching (pp. 378–390). Routledge.
Other Publications
  • 1
    Sudina, E. (2023). The quality of second-language anxiety and willingness to communicate questionnaires. OASIS Summary of Sudina (2023) in Studies in Second Language Acquisition. https://oasis-database.org
  • 2
    Sudina, E. (2022). Study and scale quality in second-language survey research: The case of anxiety and willingness to communicate. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. 
  • 3
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Language-learning grit during the pandemic: The case of L2 Spanish and French. OASIS Summary of Sudina & Plonsky (2021) in The Modern Language Journal. https://oasis-database.org
  • 4
    Sudina, E. (2021). Questionnaire quality in L2 research. OASIS Summary of Sudina (2021) in Language Learning. https://oasis-database.org
  • 5
    Sudina, E. (2021). Coding scheme. Materials from “Study and scale quality in second language survey research, 2009–2019: The case of anxiety and motivation” [Coding scheme]. IRIS Database, University of York, York, UK. https://doi.org/10.48316/t20e-yc78 
  • 6
    Sudina, E., & Plonsky, L. (2020). Measuring grit in language teachers. OASIS Summary of Sudina, Vernon, Foster, et al. (2021) in TESOL Quarterly.
  • 7
    Sudina, E. (2019, September). APA tips for the unfamiliar. Interdisciplinary Writing Program & the University Writing Commons.
  • 8
    Sudina, E. (2019, May). [Review of the book TBLT as a researched pedagogy.] The Linguist List.
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